Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thank You One Skein SP!

On Monday I received a package from my One Skein SP -- it was two balls of Sugar 'n Cream in a blue ombre colorway, 2 books of knit & crochet kitchen patterns, more magnets(!!), and a lovely note. Thank you! I have already started on another washcloth.

We have had a super busy week. Today will be recovery day after spending yesterday playing at the beach, kite flying, fireworks watching and unintended inebriation. :) It was a good day. I've been knitting on the washcloths as we drove around town and crocheting the one skein scarf from SnB Crochet. Fun. I'm making it out of the blue cascade that my ON SP gave me last month. I love the color!

Ornery boy.

His artwork.

One of his photographs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your son is gorgeous. i think i have one up here he might enjoy playing with. they seem to have a similar talent for, er, making messes.