Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Back to the Evil Sweater and A Good Book

I have finally un-tangled the black yarn that I'm using for Chris's flame sweater. I have now knitted a row and am committed to working on it tonight at SnB East. I've learned a few things from this project:

  1. I hate black yarn. I have relatively good eyes, but this yarn require great lighting to see the stitches. This means that I can't do any nighttime-watching a movie-while the babe sleeps-knitting.
  2. I should have picked a smaller person for whom to knit my first sweater. I thought I'd be fine after all of the baby garments I've made, but this makes for some repetitive knitting.
  3. Relating to the last, pick a more interesting pattern (this is a k6, p1 rib) for the body of the sweater. I need cables or something. Or at least it should be in the round so I can fly through it.
My goal is to still have it ready for fall. If I can committ to working on it every week at one of the SnBs, I should be fine. That said, I have a few other things I need to do. The satchel
from the new Knitty as a diaper bag for a friend. She's due in a month so I need to get moving on this. I also am going to make another felted purse for my aunt after she kindly gave me some great new pots/pans (Kitchen Aid Stainless) for free.

Lastly, I read a good book. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It's a dracula story but very original and well done.
Now I'm just waiting for HP.

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