Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Deer Gone Wild

Actually, the opposite -- Deer Gone Suburban. For some reason I thought deer lived out yonder away from the masses. Instead they like to trounce through the ravine that is our backyard. That would be fine if they would be contented with all of the lovely munchies in there but instead they chose to dine on the hostas and hydrangeas that occupy my back bed.

Close-up of what were lovely hostas and oakleaf hydrangeas

Close-up of lace-leaf maple in front island bed

We had a lovely Eastside SnB on Saturday. I finished the body of the lace leaf pullover. Now I need to graft it and make sleeves. Not much fiber stuff going on, I've been converted to an exercise freak and now a tiddlyWiki tweaker freak. Thanks Chris!

OH! Forgot to mention that the Ugly Bugs from last post have been identified by my Aunt as Milkweed Bugs. Who knew a plant would have its own bug?

Today we met up with a group of homeschoolers at the Lake Co. Farmpark. Tomorrow we're going raspberry picking -- the little farmer should be content. And two Tuesdays from now we are off to Baltimore! Yay!


Laura said...

deer? yikes! maybe better than skunks, which i have in my yard from time to time...

another friend and i are planning to go knit at the coffee shop on wednesday around 1:30 pm -- we have to pick up our boys at preschool at 3:45 pm. join us if you can! :)

Sourire11 said...

Oh I love rapberry picking at rosby's! I go every year!