Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Check Out This Blog

Chris sent me this and I am loving listening to all of these authors I have intent to read. So far I have listened to Dan Gilbert and Barry Schwartz.

In Feingold news, there is a reason raspberries are on the list. Thus going rasberry picking with your sensitive 4 year old is NOT a good idea. :(

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thanks SP 8!

I received my last secret pal package yesterday from Sara. Thanks Sara! I received some cotton yarn for whatever, some Reynolds Lopi, some note cards, candy!, a ruler and bubbles for JCC. Bubbles are already gone.

I have a friend who does tie-dye and sells at the local Farmers Market. These are my latest purchase. I just love them! Chris still shakes his head at his tie-dye children. He's in denial!

This was a fun secret pal summer. I'm going to skip SP9 but I do think I'm going to do the Spin to Knit SP.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Deer Gone Wild

Actually, the opposite -- Deer Gone Suburban. For some reason I thought deer lived out yonder away from the masses. Instead they like to trounce through the ravine that is our backyard. That would be fine if they would be contented with all of the lovely munchies in there but instead they chose to dine on the hostas and hydrangeas that occupy my back bed.

Close-up of what were lovely hostas and oakleaf hydrangeas

Close-up of lace-leaf maple in front island bed

We had a lovely Eastside SnB on Saturday. I finished the body of the lace leaf pullover. Now I need to graft it and make sleeves. Not much fiber stuff going on, I've been converted to an exercise freak and now a tiddlyWiki tweaker freak. Thanks Chris!

OH! Forgot to mention that the Ugly Bugs from last post have been identified by my Aunt as Milkweed Bugs. Who knew a plant would have its own bug?

Today we met up with a group of homeschoolers at the Lake Co. Farmpark. Tomorrow we're going raspberry picking -- the little farmer should be content. And two Tuesdays from now we are off to Baltimore! Yay!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ugly Bugs

Ug. All over this one milkweed pod. None of the others. Anyone know what they are? I checked out a couple of beetle sites but didn't see any like this.

Fall is my favorite time to buy plants -- they're all on sale and you don't have to worry about the stressors of watering/heat as much. Here are some of my new babies from Heights Garden Center.


JCC in his normal down in the dirt position by my new smokebush, russian sage and asters.

JCC by the new red-twig dogwood.

Part of my side shade bed. I ripped out a big grass that wasn't getting enough sun and was all floppy and moved some plants out of my path. Didn't even know I had a path until I was looking down from the upstairs window and observed that I had planted something right in the middle of where I usually cut through to the main side bed.

We had JCC's party. It did rain but only 2/3 of the expected people showed. This was fine with me as I didn't have to hide in the basement. I still have beer leftover. Just a few left at this point.

I've been stuck in a funk for a couple weeks now -- hopefully ending soon. I'll have more fiber related pics then.