Monday, November 28, 2005

Miss Dashwood

Isn't she sweet? I love it! Basically a night of knitting (earflaps and ties the next) and fun knitting at that.

We drove back from Baltimore yesterday -- a nice visit. Yorick went to my SIL, who I think liked it. My mother modeled her vest -- we both still like the yarn but aren't sure of the neck. She ended up pinning the two pieces together with a broach. I also think the vest should have been narrower through the shoulders -- we are not the type that needs shoulder pads. Amazingly, I did zero knitting while there. I must be gearing up for December.

Over the next month I need to complete the following:

  • Chris's sweater

  • skull with bow tote

  • ipod cozy

  • 5 pairs of adult slippers

  • ruffles scarf from Scarf Style

  • another Miss Dashwood

  • another satchel

  • wee pair of baby slippers

Of course, now that I'm only 6 weeks away from Baby Cashew's due date I have some serious nesting urges to knit for my own wee one. I bought yarn today (Chris, you didn't read that) to make a bunting (a violet shade of HPY in worsted) and I have designs on making a Pinwheel blanket out of some Lion's Brand Polar stuff I bought on clearance. I think I'm going to have to stop sleeping to get it all done.

In good baby news, the wee one was pronounced head down and anterior today by the CNM. Little man was a very long labor thanks to his posterior position so this is great news. Now the little bugger just needs to stay that way. I also ordered our birth kit today (we're planning another homebirth) and feel like I'm pretty ready for the babe. Well, minus the missing bunting. For some reason I feel like this baby just needs a bunting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Felted Yorick

Yorick is done (need to get the scissors to the wonky nose openings)! I felted just so the stitch definition was gone from the knitting side. Still, it is quite dense. I love it! I have some merino that I bought earlier in the year that knits as described, but this stuff is almost a worsted. Regardless, it is lovely.

Miss Dashwood is blocking and then I will assemble and photograph.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm Over the Knitting Blahs

It was a good knitting weekend -- I finished the sleeve for the evil sweater, knit about 3/4s of Yorick and finished the hat portion of Miss Dashwood (earflaps and ties to come).

I chose to knit Yorick in the KnitPicks Merino and man, do I love this yarn. So much so that I decided to do Miss Dashwood just to get my little fingers on some more of it. The former is to be felted and the latter is just a baby hat so pilling hopefully won't be much of a problem. It is scrumptiously soft.

Non-knitting wise, I managed to pinch two of my fingers in the garage door. I had thought I had broken them but they came out with dents. After some weeping at the sink (holding them under cold water) I took some Arnica and amazingly the bruising that was there yesterday is already gone and they don't look any worse for wear. Amazing stuff! I was sure I was going to lose at least one of my nails.

Finished photos to come in a day or so!

Miss Dashwood Posted by Picasa

For a wee babe to be, just modeled by the boy.

Yorick Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Finally, Branching Out is finished! It really was a wonderful pattern. I had thought about giving it to someone else, but after working on it for this long I have decided to keep it. I love it.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Miscellaneous Photos and a Book Recommendation

KnitPicks Order:

Didn't I say I wasn't going to knit with worsted weight black yarn again? I must have a slow learning curve.

I love this book! It has such unique patterns in it.

Wee boy having fun in the box:

Finished baby/big sister gifts:

And lastly, the big dog:

Finally, Charms for the Easy Life by Kaye Gibbons is a wonderful book! It's about 3 generations of healer women living in NC in the early to mid-20th Century North Carolina. A quick read but fun and touching.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Laurie Anderson Rocks

The show last night was great! It was more of a poetry reading to spacey music with viola interludes than a concert, but it was beautiful and thought provoking. I'm very glad we went. If it comes to your area you should go!

We have decided we're not going to see Bauhaus. :( It's in a general admission venue i.e. standing room only and I don't think I can stand for 1.5 hours this pregnant even to hear Peter Murphy's beautiful voice. I'm kinda bummed but figure I don't need to be in a smoky bar anyway.

Still blah about my knitting too. I'm making more slippers but I really need to get to work on the Evil Sweater and Branching Out. I am completely procrastinating on both of them.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

23 Hanks of Yarn Coming My Way

Wow, Knitpicks is fast! Chris break out the ball winder. :)

Good Music, Not So Good Knitting

Last night at SnB was a bust -- I finished one of the remaining two slippers before running out of yarn. I started a swatch for the Tattoo Sweater in SnBN but didn't have small enough needles to achieve gauge. Then I switched to Branching Out but I can't knit lace and have lovely feminist discussions so I will be ripping that out too. I also stared mournfully at the Evil Sweater sleeve and had everyone admire the flames before I told them of it's limited future. Blah, a not good night.

Today I placed my KnitPicks order for all of my holiday gifts -- one skull tote, one pair skull slippers, 2 pairs plain slippers, one Yorik, one King of All Wild Things crown. And then I have some other stuff too but I'm just using my existing Knitting Mill sale yarn for that.

In better news, fall is proving to be a banner season for good music. Dead Can Dance last month, Laurie Anderson this Sunday and then thanks to Laura, Bauhaus in 2 weeks. Sweet. I'm am anxious to get out as I don't think we'll be doing much concert going with a new wee one. Only 10 weeks until we are a family of 4 (well, 9 if you count the extra furry members)!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Evil Sweater is Truly Evil

I really think something is off in the pattern for the sleeves. The one sleeve is quite long and I don't have nearly the amount of decreases done. Bastard. I'm thinking about just starting on the 2nd one and doing it to feel and then re-doing this one. I also feel like Stephanie of The Yarn Harlot as I cannot find my freaking tape measure. Where did the damn thing go? I have resorted to using Chris's construction tape measure. Grumble grumble.

I didn't do any knitting yesterday as I was annoyed with the Evil Sweater. Today I am making that last pair of children's slippers and then we'll be felting away. I have my Stitch 'n Bitch tonight and I'm not sure what I'm going to make. Maybe I'll start on another bag.