Thursday, November 06, 2008

Back by Popular Demand

:) Well, not really but I do have some photos! I don't think I can string together the words to express all of the busyness that's been going on. We've had chickepox (all three munchkins), potty training (Miss A), homeschooling (officially), and our small business is doing well. There have been wee bits of knitting but I haven't managed to take any photos.

Cute baby smile! Boy, this guy is a sweetie.

Miss A as a caterpillar. We also had to buy a fairy costume to stand in as a butterfly one as my mother kept asking her if she was going to turn into a butterfly. Thanks Mom! :)

However she didn't wear either for our actual Halloween outing.

But JCC was a knight!

We created an alter for Day of the Dead, complete with sugared skulls.

I could totally get into these -- next year I'm doing one all by myself (in Miss A speak.)

Cute pic from the park.

And that's it for another couple of months. . .

1 comment:

Sourire11 said...

Glad to hear all is well with you and your family! Halloween with kids must be so much fun...