Friday, January 27, 2006

Baby Cashew is a girl!

She was born at home on Sunday. We are all doing well, though wee girl needs to reverse her days and nights. Big brother is very sweet to his sister though a bit of a rascal to everyone else. Overall, we've all handled it well. Chris is home for one more week and then my parents will be up. :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Still Pregnant

For those of you who are checking up on that. More and more cxs, but nothing to indicate the time is near. Maybe Baby Cashew is really an Aquarius and is holding out for Saturday. (That's what I'm telling myself anyway.)

Nothing too exciting knitting wise, I did sew buttons on some sweaters I had completed and am seaming my little sweater. Who knew one little sweater could have so many seams?

Lastly, I just pinched another finger! This year has been a rough one for my digits! This one already has bruising. Poor little fingers.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

And IT is Finished

Ta da:

And now some baby knitting:

I'm still pregnant . . .

Monday, January 02, 2006

Do I have bad karma now?

Because of course I didn't get everything done. I did finish the satchel this morning:

I think the recipient liked it. It was a trade for a bunch of wee baby diapers. A huge bag full, hopefully it won't be a giant munchkin and we'll get a couple months worth of use out of them. I did finish Chris's slipper. The Evil Sweater is still a pile here on my desk. We don't have much planned for tomorrow so I should make some progress on it. I think I'm going to rip the bunting out. It is way too small (I had two skeins worth of HPY and was adjusting the size of the bunting to fit the yarn), even with using different yarn for the sleeves/hood. I think I may just buy a bunting and make longies out of the HPY.

So now I am itching to knit something fun. I looked through my books/magazines and didn't see anything calling my name that doesn't require a yarn purchase. Maybe I'll just make a quick sweater/hat/bootie set for Baby Cashew out of some of that Joann's yarn. I need to make another pair of slippers for my FIL as I felted his way too much, but I just can't bring myself to knit another pair right now. Ug -- knitting ennui. Or maybe, life ennui as I'm just waiting for the wee babe to make its appearance. 11 days to go!