Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Another Great Mail Day

Here in the land of no knitting and very little emailing (hurts to do either -- chiro appt scheduled for Friday) today (as well as Saturday) was a great mail today. I have won two blog contests of late, one from the lovely Tamara and one from the lovely Diane. Due to a twist of fate involving irregular mail carriers and taking a trip across the Atlantic they both arrived today. What loveliness! Thank you both!

Diane sent a large skein of fingering weight silk in an amethyst and sage colorway along with a sample of brightly dyed synthetic fiber. The fiber feels awesome and I love the colors. As for the silk, the new Magknits came out today and maybe Blossom would be a good use for this?

Tamara sent 2 braids of fiber. The burgundy one is superwash and the magenta one is merino. Both are nice and squishy. I'm sure I'll try and spin up some sock yarn with the superwash. I'll have to ponder what to do with the magenta.

On Saturday I received my 3rd installment of Scout's Swag. This time it was dyed by Yarn Nerd. Not my favorite colorway (Chuck T's) but the GoKnit pouch made it all better. I've been coveting one of these for a while. I think it should make knitting while trailing children much easier.

Little Boy turned 5 on Sunday. The party on Saturday was quite fun. On Sunday we continued the celebration by going out to a coffee shop (his request) and opening gifts. It is amazingly hard to find toys NOT made in China. I was even at our local toy store that tries to stock the not so commercial toys. He did well anyway and we've been enjoying the new playthings.

Hopefully some knitting FOs to show next post!