Saturday, June 25, 2005

Fiberfest 2005

I went to the Lake FarmPark Fiberfest today. If I hadn't been taking a class I think I would have been disappointed at what they had. I did score some needle felting stuff that I've been wanting, but otherwise wasn't overly wowed with the selection. Maybe my rather large stash was weighing on my conscience.

The class I took rocked -- Beyond Stripes, Knitting with Variegated Yarns. I took it because it covered using more advanced techniques, not really for the yarn, but that was cool too. We had a 20 dollar material fee which was worth it since we got to use Lorna's Laces yarn. Yum, nice stuff. So some of the techniques I learned were entrelac, mitered squares, fair-isle, lattice stitch and two lace patterns. The only one that I was really glad I was at the class for was the entrelac. It just looked so wonky on my needles that I couldn't believe it would turn out ok. But overall the instructor's patterns/directions were excellent. A nice way to spend the day! I'm going to block them soon and then post picks.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Crappy Librarian Recommendation

Yesterday I had a lovely treat in that my girlfriend had little man for two hours in the morning and I got to go to the West Side SnB in the evening. I spent my morning out by hitting the library for a good fun read. Upon the librarian's recommendation I checked out Ben Elton's A Blast from the Past. The back of the book lists him as a comedian and he was recommended after I listed Christopher Moore as the style of book I was after. Ha! I obviously picked the one he wrote after recovering from a bad break-up. It ends with three deaths, one being one of the main characters. Elton has an interesting style, but this wasn't funny, witty or even enjoyable. A waste of my time lounging in the hammock.

The West Side SnB is certainly a rocking group. Maybe it's the availability of beer and coffee, but it's a very different atmosphere from the East Side bunch. I'm hoping to attend both at least a couple of times a month. I spent my time chatting with another mama and working on yet another baby hat.

Friday, June 17, 2005

This is the purse after felting. Pretty cute I think. I gave it to its intended recipient (my hairdresser) and she said she loved it. The Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride felts up very nicely. I think it is my favorite yarn. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

This is just a cute photo of the little man.

Posted by Hello

I finished two projects today. The first is a felted bag for my hairdresser. It is a larger version of my own purse. This is the pre-felting pic, it's currently blocking and then I'll post the after pic. It's very cute. I also finished a baby hat for my midwife. Her baby is due today. Well, I finished the knitting, I still have to assemble and block. Pic to come.

We just got back from hitting Tuesday Morning for some super cheap discontinued Lion's Brand yarn. I got some Cotton-ease and some micro-fleece. I'm not sure of the intended Cotton-ease outcome, but I'm hoping to make a bunting for Baby Cashew (little man's name for the baby in my belly) out of the micro-fleece.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Not Knitting Sucks

Before I started knitting I read voraciously. Ever since the knitting began I have fallen behind in my reading (well, except for knitting related books) but I haven't minded too too much because I've read a ton for years and doing something with my hands is a lot of fun. But now this dreaded CTS has got me not knitting and not web surfing and I don't have anything to read.

I re-read the Harry Potter series over the winter and am down to the last one but as it was not my favorite I'm not feeling the urge to dive in. I'll definitely get the new one when it comes out, but until the middle of July I am stuck. We have a ton of great books around here but none of them are appealing either. I even picked up Steppenwolf by Hesse one of my all time favorite books and am just going "Eh." as I read it. If someone one would like to suggest something funny (think Christopher Moore) I would love it.

I Finished a project

but forgot to take a picture. Damn. I do that about every other item, I give it away without taking a pic. Anyway, it was the cotton chenille washcloth. It turned out cute. I'm hoping it doesn't fall apart when washed or get all wormy.

My arm is still achey but seems to be doing a little better since I backed off on knitting. I did get about an inch done on the newest felted bag I'm working on last night. It's going to take a while at that rate. Hopefully I'll get in to the chiro next week and everything will be resolved. It's also cut down on my internet surfing which is probably a good thing. One thing I did find to get into was a Dharma Trading Co. co-op. I ordered a bunch of silks to dye and a tie-dye kit that a friend and I are going to do with our munchkins. Should be fun!